Sharad Verma

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Sharad Verma is a Senior Partner in the New Delhi office of The Boston Consulting Group and is a founding member and Asia Pacific leader of BCG U, the firm’s client upskilling and leadership development business. He joined BCG in 1999 and was part of the Ambassador program in BCG New York and Boston.

He works in the Automotive and Industrial sector across a range of areas covering portfolio and growth strategy, organization development, turnaround and profit improvement. He has rich experience of working with leading Indian family businesses on defining aspiration, role of corporate center and cultural transformation. He has led projects covering product topics from market concept development, product planning and design, variant management and market launch. He is a topic expert on M&A and JVs, having worked with several MNC and local clients on these issues.

He has co-authored the BCG report series on Global Challengers from emerging markets. He also globally leads in BCG the topic of “Fractal Advantage”, a concept which defines a new operating and governance model for global companies to succeed in local markets.

He actively engages with government and industry associations, collaborating on policy formulation and stakeholder engagement. Notably, in supporting the creation of the Capital Goods Policy with the Department of Heavy Industries and working closely with the Ministry of Electronics&IT on the semiconductor program. He also partnered with institutions like the National Skill Development Corporation and Future Skills to enhance skill development and employability.

Sharad has earned an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (1997-99) and has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (1993-97).