Col Noreen Shanet John
Indian Army
1. Col Noren Shanet John was commissioned into Corps of Engineer on 07 March 1998. Prior to joining Army, the officer won numerous accolades as an NCC cadet. Her noteworthy achievements in NCC are given below:
(a) Adjudged Second in All India Best Cadet Competition held during NCC’s
Republic Day Camp at New Delhi in 1989.
(b) Adjudged as best parade commander of Republic Day Camp 1993 as a
Senior VWing Cadet.
(c) Commanded the Combined Guard of honour to Prime Minister Shri P V
Narasimha Rao during PM’s Rally of RDC-1993.
(d) Participated in the lndo-Canada Youth Exchange programme (Six months)
of 1993-1994.
2. In her 26 years of service, Col Noreen Shanet John has held various
appointments. The most recent ones as a Senior Gp Testing Oficer of 14 Services
Selection Board, Allahabad holds value as she was an assessor who was entrusted to
select suitable candidates to become officers in the Indian Army.
She was granted Permanent Commission in Jan 2020. The offr got approved to
be a Colonel (select grade) in Jan 2023. She is presently posted as the Commanding
Officer of a Training Battalion at MEG & Centre, wherein the Agniveers are being
3. The officer is happily married to Col Monish Dass, VSM (Retd), another Madras Sapper Officer