Supporting Associations

Federation of West Bengal Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

Federation of Small & Medium Industries, West Bengal (FOSMI) has been serving what is now known as the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) for over 60 years. By virtue of its dedicated service the Federation has been recognized as a premier Federation for this sector by the Ministry of MSME, Government of India as well as the State Government.

FOSMI is represented on various important Committees and Boards of the Central and the State Government.

FOSMI’s range of Services to its members include the vitally important consultancy services rendered by its professionally qualified consultants on a wide range of subjects ranging from preparation of bankable project reports for starting business through to marketing, export, Factories Act, Labour Laws, ISO etc. to name just a few. All the consultancy / advice is given free of charge to its members.

Globalization has made it imperative for MSMEs to become competitive to hold their own in the international arena. To help MSMEs in this regard the Government of India has launched ZED Certification criteria. FOSMI has held 22 numbers of awareness programmes on the subject under the aegis of QCI, Government of India which has been named the National Monitoring and Implementing Unit (NMIU) and the processes is likely to continue.

The Federation also has an annual programme for motivating Entrepreneurs in the MSME Sector by giving away awards for achieving excellence in different categories. This programme has generated great enthusiasm among entrepreneurs and has evolved into being the premier motivational programme in this part of the country since in its inception in 1996. The programme is held in association with and with support from various organs of the Central and State Governments.

Perhaps most importantly FOSMI provides a platform and also acts as a bridge to focus and highlight problems of its members to concerned authorities for redressal which is often difficult, if not impossible to achieve by efforts of any individual unit.

In short FOSMI considers itself not only the premier Federation in the service of the MSME Sector but as an one stop Federation for this sector for redressal of various problems as well as for promotion.

Federation of Associations of Cottage & Small Industries 

Born in the year 1972, solely to cater to the needs of the Member-entrepreneurs in the micro and small sectors, including Service Sector. FACSI offers the following supplementary services to its Members being associated with it either in the category of Ordinary Member (meant for Associations only), Individual Member (meant for Individual Units only) and Life Member (who are associated with FACSI as an Individual to contribute to its progress):

  • Update the present trend in the Industry.
  • Provide information related to different Govt. Notifications concerning this sector by publication of our monthly newsletter, “Silponnati”.
  • Organising Seminars / Workshops / Conclaves on the latest development Intellectual Property Rights / Export-Import / Government Schemes meant for this sector and topics on current trends/practices duly associating deserving Faculties for easy understanding of the subjects.
  • Conducting participation in the international fairs to show case the products manufactured by the entrepreneurs in this sector.
  • Helping to impart hand-hold support to initiate their business.
  • Tabling recommendations of different nature of business bottlenecks in appropriate manner and forum for appropriate dispensation of the Government / Government Agencies.
  • Associating with different Chambers of Commerce to synchronise our activities with them and vice-versa.
  • President of FACSI is one of the Directors in the West Bengal Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd. He is also a member of the Facilitation Council.
  • Office Bearer of FACSI also participates in various banking committees of RBI and others.
  • Dept. of MSME, Govt. of West Bengal maintain close liaison with the governing body of FACSI for formulation of policy guideline and in other matters concerning MSMES.
  • Elevating their genuine grievances at the appropriate level of the concerned Departments of both State and Central Governments for appraisal and appropriate dispensation.
  • Unifying the entrepreneurs in this sector and mobilizing their heterogeneous interests for a homogeneous cause.
  • Soliciting their advice to improve our operations to serve their interest.