Kumar Rangarajan

Department: Past Speakers
Experience: Co-Founder & Obsessive Dictator, Slang Labs


Kumar Rangarajan is the Co-founder & Obsessive Dictator Slang Labs, the Google-backed, the In-App Omni Search Assistant company. Prior to Slang Labs, he was working at Facebook (aka Meta) in the bay area, after they acquired his earlier startup, Little Eye Labs, the first and only Indian company to be acquired by Facebook.  Prior to Little Eye Labs, Kumar worked for other international companies like HP, IBM, Rational Software (acquired by IBM), BlueCoat, and GE Medical Systems, working with the best in the world and working on a wide range of technologies, with a special interest in developer tools and system software.  Until recently, loved to code, until his team members changed his Github credentials and locked it in a box and threw out the key. Back To Speakers List

Personal Information:

Co-Founder & Obsessive Dictator,
Slang Labs