A.K. Saxena

Senior Director, Electricity and Renewables,

Mr. A. K. Saxena currently heads the Electricity and Renewables Division in The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). He has over 40 years of experience in the power sector in India.  He has worked with the Central Electricity Authority, Ministry of Power and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC). Post retirement from Government service in 2016, he is with TERI where he leads various projects in the Power Sector.   Key areas of focus of his work at present include Energy Transition, Just Transition, Smart Distribution with Energy Storage, E-mobility, Demand Side Management, Smart Grid, Cross-border Electricity Trade etc., which involve a strong interaction with power utilities in the country as well as leading organisations/institutes in India and other countries.  He was Chair/Member/Convenor of Committees set up by CERC.  Mr. Saxena holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering and MBA.  He is a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) and he is a member of IEEE.