Mercy Epao
Joint Secretary
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India
1. Ms. Mercy Epao is Joint Secretary in Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises. Prior to the current posting, she has served Govt. of India in various capacities across the Ministries/ Departments for the past 25 years. Some of her important postings inter alia are Ministries of Finance, Housing & Urban Affairs and Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER) etc. During her service, she handled different subjects viz. Agriculture and Allied Sector in DoNER, externally aided projects for the NER, Pay related matters, Cadre review of All India Service (AIS), works related HR and Administration.
2. She is a Post Graduate from Delhi University. As Joint Secretary she is in charge of implementation of various Schemes pertaining to Small and Medium Enterprises. Some Schemes are the National SC/ST Hub Scheme, which is dedicated to support SC/ST entrepreneurs. The International Co-operation Scheme entails her to tie-up / negotiate / interact and enable MoUs / FTAs/ sharing and exchanging of best practices in the SME sector with other countries. M/o MSME participates in Bilateral and Multilaterals Forums to strengthen the MSME sector through capacity building, technology intervention, G2G, B2B networking and explore possible partnership.
3. In the Ministry, she also looks after the National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), National Institute of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (NiMSME), which is CPSE and an Autonomous Organization respectively. She is in charge of the HR wing in the Ministry besides the Media vertical which gives wide coverage of the Schemes/initiatives of the Ministry on all Social Media Platforms. ‘Insider’ which is a monthly magazine is also brought out which is shared with all Udyam Registration holders. For supporting the Women entrepreneurs, WEC has been set up to handhold women. Her passion is to see women and weaker / marginalized section entrepreneurs to attain knowledge for gainful employment and successful entrepreneurship which will lead to social upliftment and economic empowerment.
4. She is also Director in the Board of Autonomous Bodies viz National Small Industries Corporation, Indian Trade Promotion Organization and Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Cooperation