Nitasha Biswas
India's first Transgender Beauty Pageant Winner
Nitasha Biswas is India’s first transgenderto win a beauty pageant and hasrepr esented India at many internationalplatforms. She is also a model, influencerand a speaker for tedX. She rose to fameafter her contest win and has been a voicefor her community ever since.
Nitasha Biswas represented India at MissInternational Queen 2018 and Miss TransAustralia 2019, post that she has workedwith Filtercopy for Pride month and has alsobeen a contestant on the most watchedepisode of dating in the dark MTV.
Nitasha is very impassioned about climatechange and also hopes to be a voice not onlyfor transgender children, as she believesevery child deserves to be loved and caredfor.
She loves to collect plants, watchdocumentaries on real life events and has akeen eye for house decor.
With her undaunted spirit and valor she hasbeen awarded as, World Peace Ambassador by Wockhardt Foundation Mumbai and hasalso received the Khadi award.
She has been featured on BBC world multiple times for being a voice to many Indians and has been covered by over 130 news articles.