Aly Assem Mahmoud Ibrahim
Managing Director of Port Said East Port – SCZone
•Marine Master Certificate in Feb 2003 Issued by IMO updated in March 2015 valid till 2020 with a diver back ground.
•Extensive experience (15 years) in managing more than 150 planning , operations ,risk management, Crisis management & emergency response, marine inspection ,training gathering their requirements, and implementing solutions in their various stages of compat diving.
• Tug Master in UAE .
•Certified a holder of (2) Masters degree’s in military sciences & also in Arts of defence studies (Strategy, Policy, Economy & operational art ) from King’s College London Univirsity.
•Participated in strategic audit teams in Supreme governmental organization.
•11 years experiense in Crisis management & emergency response, planning & operations, decision making, development methodologies at the strategic & tactical level.
•More than 10 years of working as an instructor for marine officers in the Post Graduate Maritime Institute.
•Experience in the researching especially after attending Command & Staff course, Defence College ( Nasser Academy) & London University .
•Credited as a quick learner of any computer applications and demonstrated ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines with team spirited.
•Leader of coordinating, planning, training & analysis of joint training with (US, Italy, France, Greece, KSA, Libya, …
•Participated as an advisor in building a search & rescue system in the UAE under HH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed’s supervision in 2011.